Monday, September 22, 2008

Some make believe fun!

We went over to Andreas house for a little bit Saturday and I noticed Leslie has some make up on. She said she did it herself and Andrea joked that she should go put some on Isaac too! So Les and Isaac went into her room to play dress up as the often do and after a while Isaac comes out looking like THIS! I was shocked into laughter. If you look close you can notice that she also tried to spike his hair and she used a lot of hair spray. It smelled really good too! We had to go do all our shopping with Isaac looking like this. He got a lot of comments. Well Leslie assured me the markers said washable and boy was she ever right. On the way home Isaac started throwing a fit and crying and it ran and ran and ran! I'm just glad we got it off for Sunday! And can you guess who he's supposed to be...I didn't.....Dorothy the dinosaur from the Wiggles. Ha Ha Ha

1 comment:

Nephi and Andrea said...

hahaha! Oh my Leslie loves to have her fun at Isaac's expense. She still claims it was his idea. Maybe...but I bet he did not plan on having marker all over his face.