Saturday, August 20, 2011

Face Painting

I took the kids to the Children's Health Expo and the hospital this morning. Not because I thought it would be any fun but because I needed something to do and Nephi was going to be there with his dog Eron and asked me to stop by. So we went. It wasn't so terrible I suppose. The kids got a baggie full of fun little things and that always makes for some happy kids. About the only part I got a kick out of was the face painting. It turned out adorable! This is the first time my kids have wanted to do something like that. Usually when I suggest face painting I get met with much resistance so I was happy they were excited this time.

All three of them looking super cute!

Lillian just got some colorful streaks with glitter and stars. She held perfectly still the whole time! The girl doing it was so impressed because she had just had another little girl and was only able to get half the ladybug on because she was squirming so much. Way to go Lilli!

Lucy got a big shooting star with a rainbow trailing down her face and some smaller accent stars. She was the first to jump up in the chair to get it done!
Ah Isaac... I didn't think he would get one at all but he surprised me. He chose obviously a black mask. He squirmed the most out of all three. I told him it was just like putting on eye shadow only to say well I guess you wouldn't know what that's like hahaha. But he was thrilled with the final product.