TAG, I'm it
My husband
What is his name.....Daniel Cozzens Autry
How long did you date....About 2months the first time and then 6 months before we got married
How old is he....29
Who eats more......If its pizza then I can eat as much as him but any other time its him all the way!!
Who said I love you first.....I don't remember but I'm sure it was Dan cause he is the more sensitive romantic of the two of us.
Who is taller.....Dan Dan Dan
Who can sing better....Umm let me think....of yeah that would be me!
Who is smarter?....Dan has more book smarts than I do but I blow him away when it comes to good old fashion common sense.
Who does the laundry?.....I have to agree with Andrea that Dan does most of the putting in and switching around. But I do the folding and putting away. Its a team effort.
Who pays the bills?.....Until recently Dan didn't even know what our bills were!! He's getting much better.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dan and I don't really sleep too much together anymore so we usually sleep in the middle. But if he's there I'm on the right!
Who mows the lawn? Grandpa Jones! Its one thing he insists on doing cause it keeps him busy and he can still do it!
Who cooks dinner? I know it sounds like I don't do anything but I swear I do! If Dan is home then he cooks.
Who drives? I haven't been behind the steering wheel in what feels like forever!
Who is more stubborn? Oh me! Me Me Me
Who kissed who first? Dan brought me home from a date one night and told me he was going to kiss me! Best kiss ever!!
Who asked who out first? I think technically Dan cause he was the one who suggested the car ride that started our dating excursions.
Who proposed?....Noone. I have no nice romantic story. It was just one of those things if we got back together then we would never break up again.
Who has more friends....Dan! I have two friends that I regularly talk to. One being a 14 yr old the other being Andrea. Everyone loves Dan!!
Who is more sensitive?....definitely Dan.
Who has more siblings?....Surprisingly Dan. I thought I would win this one but nope. They have 7 kids in their family.
Who wears the pants?....Dan wears the pants but I'm the one who puts them on if you know what I mean!! And that's not supposed to sound dirty.